
Dear visitor,

This blog is meant to be a ready-to-use eye-opener for the one who starts questioning society, or a handy reference for the one who seek to share bits of consciousness to friends or relatives. I mean to foster alternative, positive and critical thinking while keeping a pragmatic approach to necessary societal transformations. There is no clear-cut answers or solutions in this blog. You will rather find questions, reflexions and ideas that may lead the way to positively change ourselves and make our living on Earth more sustainable.

I think everything is deeply interlinked, that’s why I deal with a wide range of topics: Spirituality, Politics, Food and Agriculture, Economy, and Society.

I don’t hold a scientific title in any of the topics I discuss. I’m just concerned with the state of our world and civilization, dedicated to bring about a positive change through my actions, and very curious. One thing leading to another, I ended up doing a lot of personal research, reading books, watching documentaries, listening to people, visiting hundreds of websites. And it still goes on today 🙂

With this blog I want to give back what I’ve been given in a selected, condensed and organized form. I hope the content displayed here will have the same eye-opening, curiosity-arousing or inspiring effect as it had for me. I also use this blog for me to quickly find the references I’m mentioning to my friends when I discuss these topics, and to write down my thoughts before I forget them.

I don’t belong to any religion, sect, political party, or closed group of any kind. If you need to qualify my blog giving it a label, my personal views can be affiliated to degrowth, humanism and to some extent to anthroposophy.

Keep in mind that we are all on a different level of awareness, we all have a different perception of reality. Some content will change your perceptions, some not. That’s ok. Even I, when I read or watch again some older content, I realize I would have a thing or two to comment. That is normal, and it is the result of the only constant of the universe: Change.

Please don’t hesitate to share your own thoughts with us by commenting the articles. Let’s make this blog a place open to constructive and respectful debates.

Enjoy your visit,

Nicolas Giroux

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Note: Yes, this blog looks really not professional 🙂 I am not very good yet in webdesign and I am using the cheapest mean to store this content for me and my friends, and make it publicly visible (sorry for the ads, use Adblock if you are annoyed). If you like my blog and want to help making it look better, don’t hesitate to contact me!

3 comments on “About
  1. JA friend shared the Slovak translation of your call for Slovaks not to give up the culture that they have. I agree on many many points! I live in Slovakia although I’m originally from Canada, and see many of the same opinions – especially people asking in disbelief why I live here 🙂 Anyway, just wanted to say hi.


    • Jaaj, Hi Naomi,
      I’m glad you liked the article 🙂
      I know your blog from about a year ago, I loved it. I haven’t read it for a while now, but I remember I loved the article about zabijačka, very instructive.
      I guess you do not live in Bratislava… but if you pass by, I just opened my community center/cultural bar in Cintorinska 3. It’s called Bystro. wwww.bystro.org. I think you might like it. Ahoj!


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About me
I'm passionate about sustainable lifestyles and urban agriculture. I believe that community-supported initiatives and bottom-up policies are key to foster necessary societal changes. I'm an advocate of degrowth, agro-ecology, sharing economy and participatory democracy. Based in Bratislava, Slovakia, I like learning, reading, writing, sharing, hiking, dancing, eating, and celebrating.
Nicolas Giroux
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